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Enterprise Mobility

Keeping Up with Businesses on the Move

storage solutions for mobile devicesstorage solutions for mobile devices


Today's workplace is defying geographical and time boundaries. Global competition is pushing businesses to establish footholds in multiple locations. Thanks to enterprise mobility, businesses no longer have to be confined to static locations to extend their global reach. Employees can do their jobs from anywhere using a variety of applications and devices. The concept of working anywhere from any device aims to empower employees and increase productivity. Though it comes with its own share of risks and challenges, enterprise mobility can bring about greater efficiency and productivity with the right partner.

Unique Challenges

Increased mobility improves working efficiency but also poses many challenges, primary of which is security. In many cases, employees on the go use devices they are familiar or comfortable with, such as their own laptops or mobile phones, putting sensitive business information at risk to data breaches. Additionally, mobile devices may be subjected to the rigors of everyday travel, fluctuating or unstable power supply and drastic climate or temperature shifts.


Use Cases

Barcode Scanners

Barcodes provide quick information about a product. Barcode scanners provide fast and accurate collection of data and timely retrieval of information. They also facilitate tracking, inventory and management of products and assets, minimize errors from manual entries and enhance business processes. Recognizing the importance of data accuracy and integrity, VIDAR offers highly reliable memory and data storage solutions to prevent data loss or corruption, thus making sure that businesses safeguard their processes and profitability.

Mobile Payments 

Mobile payments refer to payment transactions or transfer of funds made over a network using mobile devices such as mobile phones. With mobile payment systems, purchases or transactions involving monetary values are made online and purchases of goods and services are done using mobile phones. Mobile payments generate a lot of consumer point-of-sale data that may be collected, stored, analyzed and transformed into insights to enhance marketing and sales. VIDAR provides a wide selection of products to provide the capacity, performance and security required to store sensitive data generated by mobile payment systems.

Handheld Computing 

Industrial handheld computers combine many features and capabilities of desktop computers in a small, rugged and portable package. Typically used for advanced data capture in retail, delivery and service applications, these devices feature rugged designs to withstand rigorous use and harsh elements such as dust, water, vibration and severe temperatures on the field. They require ample memory to store and back up collected data. VIDAR's data storage portfolio includes lean, compact and rugged portable solutions that meet the strict footprint requirements of handheld computers, which are usually small and handy enough to fit into pockets.

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